
FEJS was started by Fredrik, Emil, Johan och Sven in 2011 as a result of an increasing interest in photography, an interest that started some ten years ago. Today we are five members.

Fredrik Sörvåg: Norwegian entrepreneur who’s claiming to be in Sweden strictly as a humanitarian aid. Very creative and an incredible problem solver.

Emil Byström: Doctorate in chemistry  and experiments in photography as much as in the lab. The only one we know who owns a lens-baby and a Hoodmanloop.

Johan Forsman: Cigar connoisseur at the local gas station. Capable nature photographer who has connection on the other side (in this case B&H New York).

Sven Thunéll: Production manager at the local water and waste company Vakin, with an aching for all sorts of wild life. Thorough and partly obsessive.

Göran Bylund: Microbiologist and our only Nikon shooter. Specializes in birds and has his on hide for white-tailed sea eagles.

Our purpose with this site is to spread knowledge, inspiration and perhaps get a few laughs on the way. Every picture on the site is taken by us and up for sale (to fund our next project). Contact us at order(a)fejstime.se for more info.

Have fun!

/The FEJS team


  1. Hej, Jag delade bilderna från Sleneset på Facebook sidan: Veiforbindelse mellom Sleneset og Lovund. Hoppas det er ok…

  2. Helt ok för oss!

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